Transforming Healthcare Delivery

Hole Medical is an integrated healthcare company with four distinctive subsidiaries, each dedicated to improving various aspects of healthcare delivery.

Our Divisions

Video of recent initiatives

HOLE Medical

We stand on the brink of an exciting phase of growth. Be a part of this journey as we drive the future of digital healthcare.
Learn more about our company and its vision.


Our virtual walk-in clinic democratizes healthcare, allowing anyone the ability to see a healthcare provider 24/7 from the comfort of home.
Learn more about our virtual walk-in clinic offering.


We're pioneering remote healthcare with a physical health kiosk, providing patients with access to care without the need to travel.
Learn more about our remote, community-based health care solutions.

Premier Clinical Trial Network

Excelling in medical trial site management plus innovative clinical trial recruitment services, propelling research forward.
Learn more about our clinical trial solutions.


Our groundbreaking virtual medicine solutions enable healthcare professionals to be more efficient and provide better patient outcomes.
Learn more about our virtual medicine solutions.

Continuing Medical Education

Our accredited continuing medical education events are ongoing, interactive, and streamed live online making them widely accessible.
Learn more about our CME offering.

Transforming the way healthcare is delivered, for everyone, everywhere. HOLE Medical Inc. is a pioneer in the realm of integrated healthcare, providing a centralized solution that harnesses the potential of each operational unit to deliver enhanced services at optimized costs. Our mission is to ensure that no matter where you are or what your primary healthcare needs are, you can have access to a broad spectrum of medical services.

HOLE Medical

The Company

HOLE Medical Inc. is an “Integrated Healthcare Company” that is utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance the digital diagnostic tools used by clinicians to provide optimized patient care.

HOLE Medical Inc. was established to aggregate existing healthcare assets under a single corporate structure to leverage the synergies of each operating unit and realize cost savings by managing the individual verticals with a single centralized corporate entity.

A diversified healthcare portfolio in a single company!

The Goals and Objectives

Hole Medical’s primary goal is digital transformation in the delivery of healthcare services to patients in a highly efficient and cost-effective way. This objective is met by providing access to the healthcare system for rural and remote patients and allow patients who do not have a doctor as their primary healthcare provider an opportunity to be treated in a comprehensive team based virtual clinic, thereby eliminating the need of these patients to seek non emergent care at a Walk-in-Clinic or Hospital Emergency Room.

HOLE Medical intends to expand their proprietary technologies to include digital healthcare assets by way of strategic alliances, licensed partnerships, and accretive acquisitions.

The strategy of acquiring other healthcare providers allows the Company to ramp up sales and distribution while controlling costs compared to organic growth which would take considerably more time and effort to create the necessary infrastructure and adequately train  the required staff. Accretive acquisitions come with embedded executives and infrastructure that can generate revenue continuously.

The Service

Hole Medical Inc. is an integrated healthcare company that provides access to an ever-expanding array of medical treatments through a “Digital Front Door”.

Using AI interfaces to collate data from diagnostic imaging equipment and remote patient monitoring devices, we can provide specialist referrals, modifications to treatment regimens, medication monitoring, and provide ongoing care in a team-based clinic.

The Target Market

The Company 's target market is geographically and ethnically diverse. We are not limited by traditional borders or territories. Hole Medical has the necessary technical and physical characteristics to provide “HOLE” Healthcare On Line Everywhere!

The addressable market for the Company is virtually limitless, as 100% of the world's population needs healthcare and medical intervention at some point in their lives. Our services are agnostic to the demography or geography of the patient as we have the technology to consult and monitor patients and prescribe remotely.

Revenue Streams

The Company has a diversified revenue model that is not dependent on a single “payor” and has multi-pronged approach to revenue generation, including: monthly subscription fees  SaaS model; fee for service; license revenue and contract sales; per-capita model for virtual clinic  rostered patients and wholesale and retail revenue split on sales of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical drugs  through our health kiosk pharmacy.

Corporate Structure

The Go Public structure of Hole Medical Inc. will have the following verticals.

  • BANTY- Validated and verified video platform.
  • Premier Clinical Trial Network, site manager of Clinical Research.
  • Banty CME- Production and hosting of live streaming events.
  • ON-it- Virtual Clinic rostering OHIP patients.
  • Medi-Pod Remote Health Kiosk- Rural consultation and pharmacy.

ON-it: A Revolutionary Approach to Healthcare in Ontario

ON-it, a trailblazing virtual walk-in clinic solution, is a timely response to Ontario's burgeoning healthcare crisis. It stands as a beacon of hope for over 2.2 million Ontarians who currently lack access to a primary care healthcare provider. Employing state-of-the-art technology, ON-it has developed a practical and user-friendly platform that bridges the gap between patients and healthcare services.

Ensuring Accessibility: Transitioning from Unrostered to Rostered Patients

Prioritizing Patients and Promoting Access

The driving force behind ON-it is a seamless transition from "unrostered" patients (those without a dedicated healthcare provider) to "rostered" ones who have access to consistent, comprehensive primary care. This approach alleviates the existing burden on emergency departments, urgent care centers, and walk-in clinics, significantly reducing repetitive testing and unnecessary visits, ultimately improving the patient experience and overall healthcare delivery in Ontario.

Medically Stabilizing Patients and Transitioning Care

Beyond immediate care, ON-it's secondary objectives encompass the stabilization of orphaned patients, the creation of permanent patient medical records, and the facilitation of transitions to long-term, rostered primary care. This holistic approach focuses on both current acute needs and the establishment of continuous, comprehensive care.

The Nuts and Bolts of ON-it for Healthcare Providers

Seamless and Secure Integration

ON-it enables a smooth transition for healthcare providers by integrating OSCAR EMR for secure medical record keeping. This setup allows for the creation of a medical record that can follow the patient to their final primary care destination, circumventing any obstacles tied to the lack of a permanent record.

Cloud-Based Scalability

Leveraging AWS's robust infrastructure, ON-it ensures quick and seamless scalability to meet the growing demand for healthcare services. This scalability eliminates the need for infrastructure upgrades, making the system highly adaptable and efficient.

Protected Data Transfer and Storage

ON-it guarantees secure data transfers between Health Care Connect data environment and the ON-it platform. This end-to-end encryption safeguards patient data during transmission and storage, ensuring total compliance with healthcare regulations.

Effective Transition to Permanent Rostered Primary Care

ON-it is designed to overcome the major barriers preventing a transition from unrostered to rostered status. Through a combination of a secure medical record system and the provision of reliable historical patient information, ON-it offers a pathway to continuous, comprehensive primary care.

Embracing Hybrid Healthcare: The Benefits

Accessibility and Engagement

By eliminating geographical restrictions and offering remote appointments, ON-it makes healthcare services readily accessible. The platform engages patients by allowing them to browse healthcare services and providers at their own convenience, with virtual visits being conducted over any solution verified by Ontario Health’s Virtual Visits Verification Program (VVV).


At no additional cost to the province and no fees charged to providers, ON-it provides a cost-effective solution. Patients can use their OHIP cards to access services, ensuring no financial barriers to care.

Provider Flexibility and Competitive Advantage

Healthcare providers gain a competitive edge with the ability to control their work hours and expand their practices geographically. The platform opens opportunities to retired doctors, International Medical Graduates (IMGs), and medical residents seeking flexible part-time work.

How ON-it is Redefining Healthcare

Alleviating Pressure on Frontline Services

ON-it aims to relieve strain on ERs and walk-in clinics by enabling newly rostered patients to access healthcare on a verified platform. This approach leads to more efficient use of healthcare resources, benefiting both patients and providers.

Empowering Underserved Communities

ON-it extends comprehensive care to rural and underserved communities, ensuring that every Ontarian has access to quality healthcare services, regardless of their geographical location.

Promoting Preventative Care

By offering easy access to healthcare services, ON-it encourages regular check-ups and preventative care, promoting healthier communities across the province.


ON-it is revolutionizing healthcare delivery in Ontario, providing an efficient, secure, and user-friendly platform that enables comprehensive and continuous care for all. It is a significant stride towards alleviating the pressure on healthcare resources and improving patient satisfaction. ON-it is leading the charge in reimagining healthcare services in Ontario, ensuring that no one is left behind. It's time to get ON-it, Ontario, because our health can't wait.

Medi-pod Remote Health Kiosk

Healthcare Challenges in First Nations Communities: A Call for Action

First Nations communities, comprising various Indigenous peoples in North America, have long experienced significant healthcare disparities compared to their non-Indigenous counterparts. These disparities can be attributed to a complex interplay of historical, socioeconomic, and cultural factors. Addressing these healthcare challenges is crucial to improving the overall health and well-being of First Nations communities. This article will discuss the problems and challenges surrounding healthcare for First Nations communities and explore potential solutions.

Challenges in Healthcare for First Nations Communities

Access to Healthcare Services

Many First Nations communities are located in remote areas with limited access to healthcare services. This geographic isolation makes it difficult for community members to access primary care, specialist services, and emergency care. As a result, individuals may experience delays in receiving necessary care, leading to poorer health outcomes.

Cultural Barriers

First Nations communities have diverse cultural values, beliefs, and languages, which can create barriers to effective healthcare delivery. A lack of cultural competency among healthcare providers may result in miscommunication, misdiagnosis, and inappropriate treatment plans. Additionally, historical traumas and mistrust of healthcare systems can discourage individuals from seeking care.

Shortage of Healthcare Providers

First Nations communities often face a shortage of healthcare providers, particularly specialists and mental health professionals. This limited access to providers can result in inadequate preventive care, delayed diagnoses, and unmet healthcare needs.

Funding and Resource Limitations

Many First Nations healthcare systems face funding and resource constraints, which can hinder the delivery of high-quality care. Limited funding can result in outdated facilities, inadequate equipment, and insufficient staff training, all of which can compromise patient care.

Potential Solutions

Improve Access to Healthcare Services with Kiosk Deployment and Virtual Care

Governments, non-governmental organizations, and private entities should collaborate to improve access to healthcare services in First Nations communities. This collaboration should focus on building and upgrading healthcare facilities, expanding telemedicine (now called Virtual medicine) services, and investing in transportation infrastructure to facilitate access to care.

Enhance Cultural Competency and Sensitivity

Healthcare providers should undergo cultural competency training to better understand and respect the unique traditions, values, and beliefs of First Nations communities. This training should be combined with efforts to recruit and retain healthcare professionals from Indigenous backgrounds, as they may be more likely to provide culturally sensitive care.

Incentivize Healthcare Providers to Serve First Nations Communities

To address the shortage of healthcare providers, incentives such as loan repayment programs, financial support, and professional development opportunities should be offered to attract and retain specialists and other healthcare professionals in First Nations communities.

Better Allocate Funding and Resources to Utilize Recent Breakthroughs in Healthcare Technology

Governments should adapt and adopt new technologies to better serve First Nations healthcare systems. This investment should prioritize the implementation of kiosks, secure remote virtual medicine, strategic kiosk deployment and staff training, ensuring that First Nations communities receive high-quality care.

Banty’s provides patients with access to treatment or prescriptions from qualified providers without having to leave their remote community.

Remote Health Kiosk: Revolutionising Healthcare Delivery for Remote Patients

Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right for every individual. However, for many people living in remote communities, accessing healthcare services can be a major challenge. The lack of healthcare facilities and medical professionals in remote areas can make it difficult for people to receive timely medical attention. In such cases, patients may have to travel long distances, incur high costs, and endure long wait times to access medical care. However, with the advent of new technologies, remote health kiosks have emerged as a promising solution to this problem. In this article, we will explore the remote health kiosk technology and how it can revolutionise the way remote patients access healthcare without leaving their community.


What is a Remote Health Kiosk?

A remote health kiosk is a technology-enabled platform that allows patients to access medical care remotely. The kiosk is equipped with a range of medical devices, including diagnostic tools, monitoring equipment, and medication dispensing systems, that enable patients to receive a diagnosis, treatment, and prescriptions without leaving their community. The kiosk is designed to be easy to use, and patients can interact with healthcare providers through virtual consultations.


How does the Remote Health Kiosk work?

The Remote Health Kiosk is designed to be a simple, self-contained medical facility that can be installed in remote locations. The kiosk is staffed by a local healthcare provider who is responsible for overseeing patient care and providing support to the virtual doctor during consultations. The healthcare provider is trained to use the kiosk's medical devices, including diagnostic tools, monitoring equipment, and medication dispensing systems. This allows them to collect vital statistics and other medical data that can be used by the virtual doctor to make an accurate diagnosis.

 During a consultation, the patient enters the kiosk and interacts with a virtual doctor through a video conference. The virtual doctor can review the patient's medical history, symptoms, and other data collected by the local healthcare provider. Based on this information, the virtual doctor can make a diagnosis, prescribe medication, or recommend further testing. The local healthcare provider is responsible for overseeing the dispensing of medication and ensuring that the patient receives the appropriate treatment.

Key Benefits of Remote Health Kiosk

Remote health kiosks have a range of benefits that can revolutionise the way healthcare is delivered to remote communities. Some of these benefits include:

Improved Access to Healthcare

Remote health kiosks can significantly improve access to healthcare for people living in remote communities. Patients no longer need to travel long distances to receive medical care, reducing the time and cost associated with accessing healthcare services. By providing a local healthcare provider and a virtual doctor, patients can receive quality medical care without leaving their community.

 Time Savings

Remote health kiosks can save patients significant amounts of time. Rather than waiting for a medical appointment or travelling long distances to access medical care, patients can enter the kiosk and receive medical attention within minutes. This can be especially important in emergency situations, where quick access to medical care can be the difference between life and death.

Cost Savings

Remote health kiosks can also lead to significant cost savings for patients and governments. By eliminating the need for travel and reducing wait times, patients can save money on transportation and lodging expenses. Additionally, remote health kiosks can reduce the cost of providing medical care in remote communities, potentially saving governments money in the long run.

Improved Quality of Care

Remote health kiosks can improve the quality of medical care received by patients in remote communities. By providing access to virtual doctors and local healthcare providers, patients can receive accurate diagnoses, personalised treatment plans, and follow-up care that meets their specific needs.

Key Focus on Mental Health, Opioid Addiction, Obesity, Diabetes

Remote health kiosks have the potential to address a range of healthcare needs in remote communities, but there are certain areas where they can be particularly effective. Mental health, opioid addiction, obesity, and diabetes are four areas where remote health kiosks can make a significant impact.

 Mental Health

Access to mental healthcare is a critical issue for people living in remote communities. The lack of mental healthcare professionals and resources can make it difficult for people to receive timely and effective treatment. Remote health kiosks can provide a range of mental health services, including virtual consultations with mental health professionals, counselling, and medication management. By providing access to mental healthcare services in remote communities, remote health kiosks can help to address the mental health needs of vulnerable populations.

Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction is a significant problem in many rural and remote communities. Access to opioid addiction treatment, including medication-assisted treatment, can be limited in these areas. Remote health kiosks can provide patients with access to medication-assisted treatment and other addiction services, including counselling and support groups. By providing access to opioid addiction treatment in remote communities, remote health kiosks can help to address the opioid epidemic in rural and remote areas.


Obesity is a significant health issue in many rural and remote communities. Access to healthy food options and exercise programs can be limited in these areas, leading to high rates of obesity and related health problems. Remote health kiosks can provide patients with access to nutrition counselling, weight management programs, and exercise resources. By providing access to obesity-related services in remote communities, remote health kiosks can help to address the obesity epidemic in rural and remote areas.


Diabetes is another significant health issue in many rural and remote communities. Access to diabetes management resources, including diabetes education and medication management, can be limited in these areas. Remote health kiosks can provide patients with access to diabetes management services, including virtual consultations with endocrinologists and diabetes educators, medication management, and nutrition counselling. By providing access to diabetes management services in remote communities, remote health kiosks can help to improve the health outcomes of people living with diabetes in rural and remote areas.


Addressing the healthcare challenges faced by First Nations communities is crucial for reducing health disparities and improving overall health outcomes. By implementing comprehensive solutions that target access to care, factors, cultural barriers, and resource limitations, it is possible to make significant strides in closing the health gap for First Nations communities.

Remote health kiosks have the potential to revolutionise the way healthcare is delivered to remote communities. By providing access to virtual doctors and local healthcare providers, patients can receive timely and accurate medical care without leaving their community. The technology can significantly improve access to healthcare, save time and money, improve the quality of care, and help to address a range of healthcare needs in remote communities, including mental health, opioid addiction, obesity, and diabetes. As remote health kiosks continue to evolve and expand, they have the potential to transform healthcare delivery for millions of people living in remote and underserved communities around the world.

Revolutionizing Clinical Trials with Premier Clinical Trial Network

Premier Clinical Trial Network (PCTN) stands at the forefront of transforming traditional medical trials, bringing unparalleled efficiency and ease to the industry. We are an esteemed Site Management Organization (SMO) committed to "corporatizing" the often-isolated world of medical trials.

About PCTN

Our history runs deep, providing us with invaluable insights and a strong network within the healthcare industry. As a SMO, PCTN serves as an integral part of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies, helping alleviate the burdens typically associated with clinical research.

Services We Offer

Our range of services cater to both Pharma and Contract Research Organizations (CROs). These include:

  • Identifying Investigators for specific patient requirements
  • Patient enrollment services
  • Addressing clinical trial location-specific study activities
  • Hiring study staff
  • Monitoring clinical studies site operations

Our Competitive Edge

PCTN leverages advanced technology and innovation in our integrated site networks and clinical trial services. This has resulted in improved efficiency at all levels, including patient identification and investigator selection. Moreover, the utilization of technology allows us to enhance our metrics across the clinical trial process, such as recruitment, enrollment, selection, retention, and compliance measures.

Our SMO acts as a central resource to effectively execute multi-centric trials, saving both time and resources for each Investigator involved. This is further amplified by our adept follow-up skills and the adoption of virtual technologies, significantly reducing the time required to recruit patients.

How We Support the Industry

PCTN assists Pharma and biotech companies in various crucial tasks, including data collection, participant safety, patient recruitment, and maintaining accurate doctor contact information. We have been instrumental in supporting the resurgence of revenues across the market during 2021, offering our services with utmost efficiency and effectiveness.

The Future of SMOs

The global clinical trials site management organizations market is on an upward trajectory, expected to reach USD 9.5 billion by 2030. With a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1% from 2022 to 2030, we at PCTN are more than ready to be part of this exciting journey. We continue to innovate and adapt, striving to revolutionize the world of medical trials.

At PCTN, we believe in making medical trials more streamlined, accessible, and efficient. We are here to set new standards in clinical research and to usher in a new era for medical trials. Join us in this revolution.

Banty Virtual Clinic

Banty’s groundbreaking virtual medicine solutions enable healthcare professionals to be more efficient and provide better patient outcomes.

Banty Virtual Clinic: Revolutionising Telemedicine with Secure, Seamless and Efficient Online Doctor Visits

In today's digital age, telemedicine is rapidly transforming the healthcare landscape by offering convenient and accessible healthcare solutions. Banty Virtual Clinic is an innovative Virtual Medicine (telemedicine) platform that revolutionises the way physicians and healthcare providers interact with their patients online. With advanced features like virtual consultations, remote diagnosis, and video consultations, Banty offers a comprehensive solution for digital healthcare that meets the security standards of PHIPA, HIPAA, and PIPEDA. Banty is Verified and Validated by Ontario Health for OHIP billing.  

Let’s explore how Banty Virtual Clinic seamlessly integrates the entire clinical team and streamlines the online doctor visit process while maintaining the highest standards in privacy and security.

Banty Virtual Clinic: Telemedical Excellence

Banty Virtual Clinic is a pioneering virtual care platform that mirrors the traditional family health medical clinic model. By utilising a team-based video approach, Banty enables administrative staff, nurses, and allied healthcare professionals to collaborate and complete various aspects of a patient visit, such as health card entry, charting, education, and medication review. This innovative approach ensures that patients receive a comprehensive and personalised virtual healthcare experience in a single session. Banty epowers healthcare professionals to securely transfer patients from one healthcare worker to another, all in a single session.  This is efficient and convenient for patients and doctors alike. 

With Banty's state-of-the-art telehealth capabilities, healthcare providers can share patient visits synchronously, thus maximising their efficiency. As a result, healthcare providers can experience an average increase of over 20% in total patient visits per workday. This not only improves physician efficiency but also results in happier patients who receive a comprehensive and personalised virtual healthcare experience, at the same time, reducing healthcare wait times for clinics using Banty. 

Top-Notch Security and Compliance

In the era of digital healthcare, ensuring patient privacy and data security is of paramount importance. Banty Virtual Clinic is fully validated by Ontario Health for OHIP billing under the new ratification agreement and is PHIPA, HIPAA, and ISO 27001 certified. This ensures that our platform is not only legal but also secure to use across Canada and the United States.

Streamlining the Virtual Consultation Process

One of the most significant advantages of Banty Virtual Clinic is its intuitive and user-friendly interface, which allows healthcare professionals and patients to engage in online doctor appointments with ease. The platform facilitates seamless patient transfers between administrative staff, nurses, doctors, and specialists in a single session. This streamlined process eliminates the need for doctors to handle administrative tasks, enabling them to focus on addressing patient concerns and providing the best possible care.

Customizable Banty Room Addresses

Each medical clinic can create a custom Banty room address, which serves as a unique point of entry for patients, similar to a phone number. This room address is all that patients need to access their online appointments and can be changed by the clinic as necessary. This customization ensures that patients have a smooth and hassle-free experience when accessing their virtual appointments.

Comprehensive Clinic Dashboard

The clinic dashboard provides an overview of patient queues, waiting times, past sessions, online and offline clinical staff members, and relevant notifications. This comprehensive dashboard allows the clinical team to manage appointments efficiently and respond to patient needs promptly, thus ensuring a seamless virtual care experience.

Patient Profiles and Activity Logs

With Banty Virtual Clinic, healthcare providers can log patient meeting activity, including appointment start times, durations, transfers, and shared notes among staff. This information can be downloaded and exported into an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) for easy record-keeping and better coordination among the clinical team.

Additional Features for Enhanced Virtual Care

Banty Virtual Clinic boasts a variety of additional features that further enhance the virtual care experience for both patients and healthcare providers. These features include:

  1. Easily download call logs to any EMR
  2. Place patients on hold
  3. Add notes about patients to share with clinical staff
  4. Text chat with patients or other members of the clinical staff
  5. Invite others to join an appointment
  6. Conduct staff meetings
  7. Share your screen during consultations

These additional features help create a more interactive and efficient virtual care experience, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care from their healthcare providers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Banty Virtual Clinic help healthcare professionals?

Banty Virtual Clinic empowers healthcare professionals with a flexible and efficient telemedicine solution that other video conferencing products do not offer. The easy-to-navigate workflow and innovative features of Banty revolutionise the face of virtual medicine, allowing healthcare providers to offer superior care to their patients remotely.

How does a patient enter the online clinic?

Patients simply need to enter their clinic's unique Banty room address (e.g., to access their online appointment. They will be prompted to provide necessary information such as their name, date of birth, health card number, and reason for the visit. Once the information is verified by the clinic's administrative staff, the patient will be checked in, and the virtual appointment can begin.

Is Banty Virtual Clinic secure?

Yes, Banty Virtual Clinic is committed to maintaining the highest standards of privacy and security. The platform is fully validated by Ontario Health for OHIP billing and is PHIPA, HIPAA, and ISO 27001 certified. This ensures that patient data is protected and the platform is secure to use across Canada and the United States.

What type of information is logged during patient visits?

During patient visits, Banty Virtual Clinic logs various details, such as appointment start times, durations, transfers between healthcare providers, and shared notes among staff. This information can be downloaded and exported into an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) for easy record-keeping and better coordination among the clinical team.

What is the purpose of custom and shared rooms?

Custom and shared rooms allow clinics to create an unlimited number of personalised virtual rooms for select staff members to use. This feature enables other clinic staff to conduct an appointment with a patient whose assigned doctor is running late or unavailable. It also allows for better resource allocation and efficient handling of patient appointments.

Upgrade to Banty Virtual Clinic Today

Banty Virtual Clinic is revolutionising telemedicine by offering secure, seamless, and efficient online doctor visits. With its innovative features and user-friendly interface, Banty Virtual Clinic enables healthcare providers to deliver top-quality virtual care to their patients. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your medical practice and give your patients the ultimate virtual medicine experience. Upgrade to Banty Virtual Clinic today and join the telemedicine revolution!

The Future of Telemedicine with Banty Virtual Clinic

As the demand for telemedicine continues to grow, healthcare providers need a reliable and efficient platform to accommodate the increasing number of patients seeking virtual care. Banty Virtual Clinic is at the forefront of this digital transformation, offering a comprehensive telehealth solution that simplifies the virtual consultation process for both patients and healthcare professionals.

The Benefits of Banty Virtual Clinic

Improved Patient Satisfaction: Banty Virtual Clinic offers a comprehensive and personalised virtual healthcare experience for patients. By streamlining the entire process and providing high-quality video consultations, patients can enjoy seamless interactions with their favourite healthcare providers from the comfort of their homes.

Increased Efficiency for Healthcare Professionals: Banty Virtual Clinic's advanced features allow healthcare providers to manage their time more effectively, resulting in an increase in the total number of patient visits per workday. With Banty's easy-to-navigate workflow, physicians can focus on providing the best possible care to their patients instead of dealing with administrative tasks.

Enhanced Collaboration Among Clinical Teams: Banty Virtual Clinic's platform enables real-time communication and collaboration among clinical team members. This ensures that all healthcare providers involved in a patient's care can work together efficiently, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes.

Secure and Compliant: Banty Virtual Clinic prioritises patient privacy and security by adhering to the highest standards of compliance, including PHIPA, HIPAA, and ISO 27001 certifications. Healthcare providers can trust that their patients' data is protected and secure.

Embrace the Telemedicine Revolution with Banty Virtual Clinic

The future of healthcare is digital, and Banty Virtual Clinic is leading the way with its innovative telemedicine platform. By offering secure, seamless, and efficient online doctor visits, Banty Virtual Clinic enables healthcare providers to better serve their patients in today's rapidly changing medical landscape.

Whether you are a healthcare professional looking to expand your practice, or a patient seeking convenient access to your healthcare providers, Banty Virtual Clinic is the solution you need. Upgrade to Banty Virtual Clinic today and experience the difference of a truly comprehensive telemedicine platform.

Don't wait any longer to provide your patients with the ultimate virtual healthcare experience. Join the telemedicine revolution and elevate your practice with Banty Virtual Clinic. Sign up today and discover a new era of digital healthcare that's secure, efficient, and patient-centric.

Integrating Banty Virtual Clinic with Existing Systems

Banty Virtual Clinic is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system, making it simple to manage patient data and streamline the virtual care process. By allowing for easy data export and import, Banty Virtual Clinic ensures that your patient records are always up-to-date and accessible by authorised healthcare professionals.

The Versatility of Banty Virtual Clinic

Banty Virtual Clinic is versatile and adaptable, catering to the unique needs of various medical specialties. From primary care physicians to specialists, mental health professionals, and therapists, Banty Virtual Clinic offers a tailored solution for every healthcare provider.

Online Therapy: Banty Virtual Clinic is an ideal platform for mental health professionals who provide online therapy services. The secure and confidential environment allows therapists and their clients to engage in meaningful conversations, fostering trust and promoting better mental health outcomes.

Specialist Consultations: Banty Virtual Clinic simplifies the process of obtaining specialist consultations by enabling seamless patient transfers between healthcare providers. This allows patients to receive timely expert advice and minimises delays in their care.

Remote Diagnosis and Monitoring: Banty Virtual Clinic's advanced features, such as high-quality video consultations and screen-sharing capabilities, facilitate remote diagnosis and monitoring of patients. This allows healthcare providers to offer comprehensive care, even when patients are unable to visit the clinic in person.

Virtual Health Education: Banty Virtual Clinic enables healthcare providers to offer educational resources and guidance to patients during their virtual consultations. This empowers patients with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

Investing in the Future of Healthcare

As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, embracing telemedicine and digital healthcare solutions is crucial for healthcare providers who want to stay ahead of the curve. Banty Virtual Clinic is a forward-thinking platform that provides healthcare professionals with the tools they need to offer exceptional care in an increasingly digital world.

By investing in Banty Virtual Clinic, you are investing in the future of healthcare. Experience unparalleled efficiency, patient satisfaction, and collaboration among your clinical team by choosing Banty Virtual Clinic as your go-to telemedicine solution.

In Conclusion

Banty Virtual Clinic is the comprehensive telemedicine platform that healthcare professionals need to adapt to the rapidly changing landscape of healthcare delivery. By offering secure, seamless, and efficient online doctor visits, Banty Virtual Clinic empowers healthcare providers to deliver the highest quality care to their patients, no matter where they are.

Don't wait to revolutionise your practice and offer your patients the best possible virtual healthcare experience. Sign up for Banty Virtual Clinic today and embrace the future of telemedicine.

CME - Medical Education

Banty's accredited continuing medical education events are ongoing, interactive, and streamed live online making them widely accessible. 

Banty's Virtual Platform for Accredited Continuing Education in Healthcare


Continuing education is a crucial component of professional development for healthcare providers, ensuring they stay current with the latest medical advancements and maintain their skills. Banty's virtual platform offers a comprehensive suite of continuing education opportunities for doctors and allied healthcare professionals, including Accredited Continuing Medical Education (CME), Continuing Health Education (CHE), and additional medical education courses. Banty's live national and international events are accredited with the College of Physicians, further reinforcing the platform's commitment to quality and excellence in medical education.

Accredited Continuing Medical Education (CME)

Banty's virtual platform provides a wide range of Accredited CME courses covering various medical specialties and topics. These courses are designed to help physicians and other medical professionals stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their fields while fulfilling the requirements for licensure and certification. Banty's CME courses are accredited by the College of Physicians, ensuring they meet the highest standards of medical education.

Continuing Health Education (CHE)

In addition to CME, Banty's virtual platform also offers Continuing Health Education (CHE) courses for healthcare professionals such as therapists, counsellors, and health educators. These courses aim to enhance the knowledge and skills of healthcare professionals in various areas, including mental health, nutrition, and disease prevention. By participating in CHE courses through Banty's platform, healthcare professionals can stay informed about the latest evidence-based practices, develop new strategies to improve patient care, and work more effectively within interdisciplinary healthcare teams.

Additional Medical Education for Doctors and Allied Healthcare Professionals

Banty understands the diverse educational needs of healthcare professionals and offers additional medical education courses tailored to the unique requirements of doctors and allied healthcare providers. These courses cover a wide range of topics, including advanced clinical skills, leadership and management, and emerging medical technologies. By providing access to cutting-edge educational content, Banty's virtual platform empowers healthcare professionals to excel in their careers and deliver the best possible care to their patients.

Live, National and International Events Accredited by the College of Physicians

Banty's virtual platform features live, national and international events that are accredited by the College of Physicians, ensuring that healthcare professionals receive the highest quality education. These events include conferences, workshops, symposiums, and seminars led by renowned experts in various medical fields. By attending these events, healthcare professionals can gain valuable insights into the latest medical research, network with their peers, and contribute to the ongoing advancement of the healthcare profession.

Advantages of Banty's Virtual Continuing Education Platform

Convenience and Flexibility

Banty's virtual platform allows healthcare professionals to access continuing education courses at their convenience, from any location, and on any device. This flexibility enables professionals to balance their work and personal commitments while still advancing their professional development.

Cost-Effective Learning

By offering continuing education courses virtually, Banty helps healthcare professionals save on expenses related to travel, accommodations, and conference fees. This cost-effective approach makes continuing education more accessible to a larger audience.

Interactive and Engaging Learning Experience

Banty's virtual platform incorporates interactive features such as live chats, polls, and Q&A sessions, creating an engaging learning experience for participants. These features facilitate real-time interaction between learners and instructors, allowing participants to ask questions, share their experiences, and learn from one another.

Access to World-Class Experts

Banty's virtual continuing education platform connects healthcare professionals with world-class experts and thought leaders in various medical fields. By participating in Banty's live, national, and international events, healthcare providers can learn from the best and stay at the forefront of medical innovation and research.

Networking Opportunities

Banty's virtual platform facilitates networking among healthcare professionals from diverse backgrounds and specialties. By attending live events and engaging in interactive sessions, participants can build connections, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects, fostering a sense of community and support within the healthcare profession.

Personalized Learning Paths

Banty's virtual continuing education platform offers a wide range of courses and events, enabling healthcare professionals to create personalised learning paths that align with their specific interests and career goals. This tailored approach to learning allows professionals to focus on the areas most relevant to their practice and professional development.

Continuing Education Credits and Certificates

Banty's virtual platform provides healthcare professionals with the opportunity to earn continuing education credits and obtain certificates for the courses and events they attend. These credits and certificates can be used to fulfil licensure and certification requirements, as well as demonstrate ongoing commitment to professional development.

Secure and User-Friendly Platform

Banty's virtual platform is designed with user experience in mind, providing a secure and easy-to-navigate environment for healthcare professionals to access continuing education courses and events. The platform incorporates state-of-the-art security measures to protect user data and ensure privacy, while also offering intuitive navigation and seamless integration with other learning tools and resources.

Ongoing Support and Resources

Banty's commitment to healthcare professional development extends beyond the virtual platform, providing ongoing support and resources for participants. These resources may include access to supplementary learning materials, expert-led webinars, and dedicated support teams to assist with technical issues or questions about course content.

Future-Ready Healthcare Professionals

By offering a comprehensive suite of continuing education opportunities, Banty's virtual platform equips healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to adapt to the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape. As medical advancements continue to transform the way healthcare is delivered, Banty's virtual platform ensures that healthcare providers stay current, informed, and prepared for the future.

Using Banty for CME

Banty's virtual platform for accredited continuing education in healthcare provides a comprehensive, accessible, and cost-effective solution for doctors and allied healthcare professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills. With its wide range of courses, events, and resources, Banty's platform caters to the diverse educational needs of healthcare providers, ensuring they receive the highest quality education and remain at the forefront of their profession.

By leveraging the power of technology and offering a flexible, user-friendly learning environment, Banty's virtual platform empowers healthcare professionals to take control of their professional development and deliver the best possible care to their patients. In an ever-changing healthcare landscape, Banty's virtual continuing education platform is an invaluable resource for healthcare providers committed to staying current, informed, and prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. 

Multidisciplinary Approach to Learning

Banty's virtual platform encourages a multidisciplinary approach to learning by offering courses and events that bring together healthcare professionals from various fields. This collaborative learning environment enables participants to gain a broader perspective on healthcare issues, share best practices, and develop innovative solutions to complex problems. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, Banty's platform contributes to the ongoing improvement of patient care and the overall healthcare system.

Integration with Professional Development Plans

Banty's virtual continuing education platform can be easily integrated into the professional development plans of healthcare providers. By aligning their learning objectives with the courses and events available on Banty's platform, professionals can ensure they are meeting their professional development goals while also fulfilling licensure and certification requirements. This seamless integration helps healthcare providers stay organised and focused on their ongoing growth and development.

Accessibility for Healthcare Professionals Worldwide

Banty's virtual platform makes continuing education accessible to healthcare professionals worldwide, regardless of their location or resources. By offering a diverse range of courses and events, Banty's platform helps bridge the gap in healthcare education and ensures that healthcare providers from all corners of the globe have access to quality, up-to-date information and resources.

Responsive to Emerging Healthcare Trends

Banty's virtual platform is designed to be responsive to emerging healthcare trends and advancements, ensuring that the content and resources available to healthcare professionals remain relevant and up-to-date. By staying abreast of the latest research, innovations, and best practices, Banty's platform helps healthcare providers stay informed and prepared to adapt to the ever-changing healthcare landscape.

Commitment to Excellence in Healthcare Education

Banty's virtual continuing education platform demonstrates a strong commitment to excellence in healthcare education. By partnering with esteemed institutions, such as the College of Physicians, and offering accredited courses and events, Banty ensures that the educational opportunities available to healthcare providers meet the highest standards of quality and rigour.


In summary, Banty's virtual platform for accredited continuing education in healthcare offers an unparalleled opportunity for doctors and allied healthcare professionals to advance their knowledge, skills, and careers. With its diverse range of courses and events, user-friendly platform, and commitment to excellence, Banty is poised to become a leader in healthcare education, helping healthcare providers worldwide stay informed, prepared, and ready to deliver the best possible care to their patients. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, Banty's virtual platform will play a critical role in ensuring that healthcare professionals remain at the forefront of innovation and best practice, equipped with the tools and resources they need to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.